Bonnie Crombie: A New Era for Ontario Liberals

Bonnie Crombie Wins Ontario Liberal Leadership


12/27/20231 min read

Bonnie Crombie, the three-term mayor of Mississauga and former Member of Parliament, has been elected as the new leader of the Ontario Liberal Party. This victory marks a significant milestone in the political landscape of Ontario.

A Historic Victory

Crombie’s victory was announced on Saturday, December 2, 2023, at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The crowd erupted in cheers and chanted “Bonnie! Bonnie! Bonnie!” as the victory was announced. In her victory speech, Crombie stated that the win was the greatest honour of her life.

A Leader with a Vision

Crombie has been a popular mayor in Mississauga, cruising to a third term last October. She is known for her ability to get under the skin of Premier Doug Ford. Her leadership promises a new direction for the Ontario Liberal Party, which is focused on regaining official party status at Queen’s Park and challenging Premier Doug Ford in the 2026 election.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the victory, Crombie and the Ontario Liberals face significant challenges. The party needs to focus on building trust with voters, recruiting candidates who reflect the province, and fundraising. The party also needs to address the vote efficiency problem and make significant gains in seat-rich central Canada.

However, the Liberals are seeing signs of hope. They won two summer byelections, including an Ottawa-area riding that hadn’t gone Liberal for about 100 years. They also out-fundraised the other parties during the July-September period. Recent polling suggests that Ford and his PCs are losing support over the Greenbelt controversy.


Bonnie Crombie’s election as the leader of the Ontario Liberal Party signals a new era for the party. Her leadership, combined with the party’s recent successes, suggests that the Ontario Liberals are poised for a comeback. As Crombie prepares to lead the party into the 2026 election, all eyes will be on how she navigates the challenges ahead and capitalizes on the opportunities that lie before her and the Ontario Liberal Party.